
Global Positioning System “GPS” is a satellite-based navigation system made up of a network of 24 satellites
placed into orbit. GPS works in any weather conditions, anywhere in the world, 24 hours a day. P.A.F can take
information and use triangulation to calculate our vehicle’s exact location. Essentially, we can also compare the
time a signal was transmitted by a satellite with the time it was received. With the GPS capacities, we also
receive useful information such as Navigation System, Automatic Vehicle Location, Survey, and Electronic Mapping.

The wireless innovation is AVLS system which is used for transportation service management. AVLS is
developed from GPS technology and GPRS/GSM system for identifying our vehicles location. We therefore can receive
digital real-time tracking information via mobile phone, PDA, PC Application, and Web access. P.A.F. can use AVLS system
to research and manage all information from everywhere every time and every part of the world. The benefits of
information help us increasing energy control efficiency, developing maintenance systems, and enhancing our ways to
satisfy customers.


The best style, punctuality, convenience, luxurious elegance, trustworthiness, safety, reliability, impression, service mind, and your highest expectations from the transportation service, we can provide.
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